Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Exams & Friends!!!


When Exams are near, I see this situation often

A asks B to teach him/her as the exams are in a weeks time.

A's View:

-- I have only time for me to study.
-- I can study more if I save time.
-- Why is B irritating me.
-- B did not take this course trusting me.
-- Why should I teach B.
-- B is not putting effort in studying for himself.

B's View
-- A is intelligent, He can Help me
-- A is my friend
-- A can revise for himself by Teaching me
-- A has good internals, he can easily pass the exam, so I should not be a burden for him
-- I can not concentrate and read these books as A can.
-- A, please help me!!!

Should A teach B or not? are they friends only if they help each other in exams and other things. Can there not be friends who can just share their thoughts, with out depending each other ???

I have been A and B in many occasions...

C U Later!!!


dharmabum said...

thanks for visiting my space - do keep coming by.

what caught my attention is the name of the blog itself - i like simple people :)

specifically regarding exams, i can't say much - when i was in college, i simply didn't bother to study. there were friends who wanted to help, out of concern, but more often than not, i just turned them down coz i didn't care.

in general though, to answer ur question - i think when it comes to loving someone(friendship included) - i think there can not be any 'ifs'. talking about dependence - it is something that happens quite naturally to most people. it can have negative effects if left unchecked. it can, however, be converted into what i'd like to call 'positive inter-dependence', for a sthey say, no man is an island.

thank u.

simple fellow said...

dharmabum, Thank you very for visiting my space and leaving comments.